Opening: IAEA Support to Member States for Sustainabiliy of Nuclear Fuel for Nuclear Power Plants
Dr Mark Mark Mihalasky: Uranium Resources Specialist at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria

Keynote: The What’s and Whys of Uranium Ore Processing Innovations Past, Present and Future
Alan Taylor: Manging Director, ALTA Metallurgical Services, Australia

Nolans Rare Earths Project: Innovative Recovery and Purification of Phosphoric Acid by VSEP Nanofiltration
Lourdes Valle: Arafura Resources, Australia & Landon Graham: New Logic Research, USA.

Extraction of Uranium and Molybdenum from Low-Grade U-Mo Ores Through Mechanical Activation Following Acid Leaching
Yongliang WangBeijing Research Institute of Chemical Engineering and Metallurgy, CNNC, China

High Pressure Slurry Ablation (HPSA) – A New Liberation Technology
John Lee: Disa Technologies, Canada

IAEA Support to Member States for Exploration and Discovery of Undiscovered Uranium Resources
Dr Mark Mark Mihalasky:
Uranium Resources Specialist at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria

Santa Quitéria Project, Ceará, Brazil: Building the Future
Alessandra Costa Barreto: Indústrias Nucleares do Brasil, Brazil

Chomatographic Separation of Rare Earth Elements as Anionic Complexes by Ion Exchange
Santeri Kurkinen: LUT University, Finland

Sustainable Production of Scandium Products in Europe
Edward Peters: 
MEAB Chemie Technik GmbH, Germany

Development of a Dry Rare Earth Fluorination Process from Carbonates
Inbanathan Govender:
Metal Refining Engineers, South Africa

Economic and Technical Challenges of Non-Chinese Clay Hosted Rare Earth Deposits
Gavin Beer:  Met-Chem Consulting, Australia

HEHEHP and D2EHP Database to Predict Rare Earth Solvent Extraction
Leslie Miller: OLI Systems, USA

The Development of Search Minerals’ Direct Extraction Technology for The Recovery of REE From Its Critical REE District in SE Labrador
Niels Verbaan: SGS Mineral Services, Canada & David Dreisinger: Search Minerals, Canada

Rare Earth Production from An Australian Clay Hosted Deposit
Chantelle Bardadyn  Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec, Australia

IAEA Sponsored Presenter (TBC)